
Can you lose fat while gaining muscles at the same time?

Can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time 🤔

The short answer is yes, BUT ...

It’s not an optimal pathway for everyone!

According to the Oxford dictionary, recomposition means the action of composing or forming something again or differently.

The aim is to both preserve and build muscle while simultaneously losing fat.

Body recomposition is a little like watching grass grow. When you plant the seed, it’s a slow process

If you don’t nurture the grass, you won’t see a difference in its growth. However, if you take care of it by feeding, watering and giving it sunshine, the grass will start to take shape.

Before you know it, you’ll have an amazing landscape to work with and all you need to do from here is maintain.

Body recomposition is all about remaining patient, fueling your body, training hard, and getting sufficient rest, which will help to build your desired physique 💪🏼. How much fat one can lose while maintaining or even building muscle during recomposition depends on many variables and is very individualized.

Long term weightlifters will find the recomposition process much harder and less successful than new lifters and it may not be the most optimal pathway for them. Seasoned lifters may find it more beneficial to concentrate on a slight surplus to help them reach their goals.

Recomping will have the greatest effect on a body that is new to weight-lifting and better nutrition because that body is hyper-reactive to that stimulus. This is referred to as ‘Newbie Gains’ 🏋️‍♀️

The key to building muscle while also losing body fat is a matter of focusing on progressive resistance training and proper nutrition with a modest calorie deficit.

A common question clients ask me when trying to recomp is where should they set their calorie and macro targets for success?

The following is what I recommend 👇🏼

🔹 Restrict 200-300 kcals/day from maintenance calories as an initial step and monitor from there.

🔹 Focus on high protein around 2.2g – 2.6g per kg/LBM per day! (leaner individuals choose the higher end)

🔹 Maximize the benefits of the refractory period by spreading out meals through the day.

🔹 To increase MPS, consume at least 2-3 meals/day with 0.4 – 0.5g bolus of protein and stick to your overall total daily protein target.

🔹Consume 0.3g/kg of rapidly absorbed protein immediately after training to enhance MPS!

🔹Perform frequent resistance-based training with an emphasis on progressive overload!