If you binge when you’re sad, the problem isn’t your anxiety, sadness, or stress.
Emotions are not the problem too. Because this is how you’ve learned to respond to emotions that you don’t know how to sit with, manage, or regulate.
No matter what rationally you should do, if you are emotionally dysregulated, you will always tun to what soothes you: which is “FOOD”
Eating is your way to cope. That doesn’t make the emotion the problem.
The purpose of coping is to help you regulate your emotions so that you can solve the problem behind the emotions in the first place.
Þ It’s not a crime
Þ It’s not something to punish yourself
Þ It’s not a personality defect.
It’s a coping mechanism. That’s it
So, if you want a new response to emotions-rather than blaming the emotions, your goal is to learn how to manage the emotion when it comes up!
Because if you are honest with yourself, is the problem anxiety? Or is the problem that you don’t know how to regulate yourself when you feel anxious?